
Alqemist – Harnessing the power of nature

Alqemist is one of the latest CBD brands to cross our path and wow are we glad they did.

Operating out of the UK and Germany, alqemist promotes an exclusive range of products including an oil and spray that are completely THC free. Their delicious CBD tea buds however contain less than 0.2% THC because it is a natural, unprocessed product.

They’ve only been around for a short while but already are garnering attention due to their striking look and potent products.

It's clear from their pure products to their environmentally sustainable packaging that alqemist values the natural world.

The alqemist philosophy

alqemist is a company who believes in harnessing the power of nature. Their entire philosophy revolves around making the most of the power of nature and the environment without causing harm.


Their products are crafted entirely with pure, raw materials that contribute to a holistic, environmentally friendly approach. Added to this they combine neutral and natural fruity flavours with the highest CBD purity of 99.7% on the market.

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Sustainability that’s not just a gimmick

A lot of companies say that they are committed to sustainability and do little to back it up.

Not so with alqemist, whose commitment is second to none.

For every one of their products sold, alqemist has one tree planted in collaboration with the non-profit organization One Tree Planted. This is an environmental charity on a mission to help the reforestation of the earth.


Added to that, all of the alqemist packaging is biodegradable where possible. They also have their products independently tested to give their customers added peace of mind.

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In order to ensure more transparency and security for their customers, each alqemist product comes with a batch code. With this code, customers have instant online access to independently conducted laboratory analyses of their alqemist products.

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Unbelievable purity

alqemist uses the purest raw materials to get some of the most potent CBD suggested dosage before you try, you can buy anywhere online and places like CBD Village in the UK are selling quality products. So pure, in fact, that they boast a 99.7% purity rate.

This is simply unheard of in the CBD world and you should be sitting up and paying attention.


alqemist does this by adhering to strict ecologically friendly guidelines. Their guiding ethos is to use techniques and methods that have been time proven. Combining that with the latest modern innovations has yielded some of the best products on the market today.

alqemist boast three products at the moment in their CBD line – Oil, Spray, and Tea Buds. Given time they may expand their range but for now these are more than enough to keep us interested.

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Jon Cosgrave

Jon is a content writer and copywriter. When not grappling with words, he grapples at jiu-jitsu. His fingers are in constant agony.

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