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CBD for anxiety – The benefits, dosage and drawbacks

Both CBD and anxiety seem to be ever-present in today’s society. Most people find themselves under some form of stress on a regular basis. Work, living situations, relationships and financial worries can all get the best of us from time to time. Now that cannabis laws across the UK are changing people are looking at CBD for its therapeutic properties and they wanted to know what are CBD oil for anxiety in the UK.

Anxiety sufferers have claimed that CBD can help alleviate the symptoms normally associated with anxiety. But how does it work? What does the research show?

In this guide, we will explain a bit about CBD oil, how it affects the body and what the research shows about its use for those with anxiety. This is an area that is changing constantly with new studies being released almost monthly. So don't forget to bookmark this page to keep abreast of any changes.

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What is anxiety?

Anxiety is defined as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.” Feeling worried and tense is commonplace in life and doesn’t mean that you suffer from anxiety. However, if the worrying and tension gets in the way of your daily life or is disproportionate to the situation, then you may suffer from anxiety.

Intense feelings of anxiety can lead to people having a panic attack or an anxiety attack. During a panic attack, people can have short, shallow and frequent breaths, irregular heartbeats and disorientation. In more extreme cases people can become dizzy and experience tunnel vision. The majority of panic attacks last for about 5 minutes, with some being an hour-long, although these cases are quite rare.

How is anxiety traditionally treated?

Anxiety is currently treated through a few different approaches. As with a number of other mental health disorders, unfortunately, there is no universal method that works for everybody. Here are some of the most popular ways that anxiety is traditionally treated.

Therapy – Therapy is an effective treatment for a wide range of problems for some people. There are many different therapy options available. These range from techniques that help deal with the initial onset of anxiety while other methods try to get to the root of the problem. Therapy is a very valid treatment option once you find a method and therapist that suits you.

Medication – Anti-anxiety drugs are some of the most prescribed drugs in the world. And for good reason, they help millions of people worldwide to cope with anxiety. They can help patients get on with daily life, but they don’t cure anxiety. Medication combined with other treatment methods is one of the best ways to combat anxiety.

Breathing techniques – As anxiety affects your breathing, practising breathing techniques has been shown to be an effective way to treat anxiety. Closing your eyes, focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths is common method. Best of all, this technique can be done anywhere whenever you feel a bout of anxiety coming on.

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CBD – While medication has been proven to be an effective way to treat anxiety, it can cause some patients to experience nasty side effects. Because of this people have been turning to natural treatments like CBD.

CBD has been shown to affect the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our brain as well as the serotonin (5HT)1a receptor. While studies are still ongoing, it is believed that CBD can affect our neurotransmitters and change serotonin activity. Low levels of serotonin have been shown to cause anxiety in some patients.

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CBD for anxiety- What is it?

CBD is 1 of 113 cannabinoids that is found in cannabis and hemp plants. It is one of 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, with THC being the other well-known ones. Even though they come from the same plant, they have very different uses. THC is psychoactive, which means this is the part of cannabis that gets you high. CBD is not psychoactive, it is used instead for its therapeutic properties.

For CBD to be legal it must have a THC level of 0.3% or less. If you’re buying CBD from a large manufacturer, it is most likely that they’ve used hemp to make the product. Hemp is naturally lower in THC and higher in CBD. This makes it a much better choice for manufacturers.

As with any form of treatment, there are some risks associated. However, CBD is considered to be very low risk. It is non-addictive and extremely high doses have been shown to only have a very slight effect on the liver. There have been zero cases, worldwide, of any serious health damage after taking CBD. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exercise some caution.

If you are currently taking any medication regularly it is advised that you speak with your doctor regarding CBD usage. As we are just beginning intense CBD research new information is available regularly.

Side Effects of CBD

People who have noticed side effects have mentioned the following symptoms as being the most common:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in mood
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Pregnant women may want to stay away from CBD products for now though. Again, research is still in an embryonic stage but a study by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends pregnant women abstain from CBD and cannabis products. If in doubt, speak with your doctor.

Can CBD cure anxiety?

As with most claimed medical applications of CBD, there is still more research needed. The entire CBD industry is still in its early days and studies are ongoing in many areas. In order for something to be considered a cure, it must undergo years of intense testing with large and varied sample groups. The tests to see if CBD can cure anxiety have not happened yet, but the early signs are positive.

Cannabis and anxiety research

The National Institute on Drug Abuse in the US has seen positive signs in treating generalised anxiety disorder with CBD. They conducted tests on lab rats and noticed a drop in the behavioural signs of anxiety as well as a reduced occurrence of increased heart rate. While the tests show promise, it is clear that these tests need to be conducted on humans before any true indicator can be taken.

Tests on humans have taken place to study how CBD affects social anxiety disorder (SAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 2011 test subjects were given a 400mg dose of CBD. They noted reduced levels of anxiety in the patients who were given CBD, while the patients who were given a placebo saw no difference. PTSD have received more research and tests than SAD. Scientists saw how CBD helped alleviate some symptoms of PTSD such as nightmares.

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Best CBD Product For Stress And Anxiety

If you’re looking for the best CBD oil for anxiety that will help with your stress then FourFive CBD oil is the one for you. While more scientific studies need to be done to prove that CBD can help with anxiety it has no major negative side effects so it’s worth a while to try if you have problems with stress.

Poko skincare is one of the most well known UK CBD brands.  They designed their CBD in order to help you maintain a lifestyle that is healthy. It uses CO2 extraction and it's also made with 100% natural ingredients. With CO2 extraction the CBD has a high available nutritional value.

It quickly absorbs into your bloodstream which means you will feel the benefits of poko CBD’s.

When using this CBD oil it is recommended that you start with a quarter of a pipette three times a day. If you are not feeling the effects of the CBD then you should start to take more CBD than a quarter of a pipette three times a day. Many advise you to not go over the 200mg period for a day but using a guide to how much cbd to take is useful.

Best CBD oil for anxiety

Canndid CBD Tincture

CBD for anxiety - The benefits, dosage and drawbacks 1
  • CBD type: Full-spectrum
  • CBD potency: 250 - 1550 mg per bottle
  • COA: Available
Price: £-££

If you are thinking about buying some CBD oil in an effort to secure a good night's sleep, the Canndid tincture range could be the product for you. There are 3 different tinctures that range from 250mg to 1500mg of cannabidiol.

It also contains many other cannabinoids like CBN, CBDA, CBC, CBG and CBDV.

Can hemp oil help with anxiety?

In order to treat anxiety, it is important to know what anxiety is. If you believe that you are suffering from anxiety, it is important to get a diagnosis from a health care professional. Once diagnosed it is then possible to begin treatment.

Different ways to take CBD for nervousness

One of the reasons why people like to use CBD is that it can be consumed in various different form factors. Whether you’re a regular vaper, baker or are just used to taking regular medication, it’s easy to find a CBD solution to fit your lifestyle.

Different Forms Of CBD

Capsules – Capsules are a very good entry point into CBD. For those of us who are unfamiliar with CBD and cannabis, it can be daunting at the beginning. Especially when it comes to measuring the correct dosage. When you buy a container of capsules each capsule has an exact CBD dosage in it which is stated on the packaging. One downside of using capsules is that they are one of the slower methods of getting CBD into the bloodstream. Our bodies must break down the capsule and then digest the contents.

Vaping – It seems that vaping has taken the world by storm. On most high streets across the UK, you can find shops selling vaping equipment and refills. It’s no surprise that industry experts forecast the vaping industry to be worth $75 billion by 2023. This success is due in part to people choosing to vape their CBD. Unlike capsules, vaping CBD means it enters your bloodstream very quickly. Vaping CBD is a popular choice for people who currently vape as they already have all the equipment needed. If you don’t vape there are other, cheaper methods available too.

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Tinctures – When we think of CBD most of us will imagine a small glass bottle with a dropper. That is a CBD tincture. CBD is fat-soluble, so when it is extracted from the plant it needs a ‘carrier’. In most circumstances, it is extracted using ethanol, but a number of oils can be used. If you’re making your own CBD tincture you can use avocado oil, MCT oil or even sunflower oil. Using a tincture is another way to get CBD into your system quickly. Simply drop the required dosage under your tongue, hold for 30 seconds and swallow.

Edibles – Now that laws surrounding CBD have begun to change across the world there CBD infused edibles have seen a surge in popularity. Brownies, cookies and gummies are all very popular edibles. CBD Edibles can either be bought in shops or made at home. If you’re buying edibles make sure that the CBD dosage is clearly stated on the packaging. It is also important to ensure that the packaging states that the product has undergone third-party testing. To make edibles at home you’ll need to make your own CBD butter. This can then be used like regular butter in baking recipes.

Smoking – It’s no surprise that smoking CBD is a very common practice. People who smoke cannabis regularly like to swap out their regular cannabis for a high-CBD cannabis flower instead. As we all know, smoking has its drawbacks and comes with more risks than other methods. Tobacco is a known carcinogenic and has been linked to causing cancer. If smoking CBD it is advised to not mix it with tobacco.

What dosage of CBD will help my anxiety?

Getting the correct dosage right is the most difficult part of using CBD for anxiety. Too small of a dose and you will not get the benefits, and too large of a dose and you will waste money and may experience some of the side effects. For most users, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.

When treating anxiety you can estimate a guide to dosage of CBD to start on based on your weight and tolerance levels. As research into the relationship between CBD and anxiety is still in its early days this general rule is used as a starting point to treating conditions with CBD.

How to use CBD oil for anxiety?

CBD experts recommend that you start off on a low dosage and work your way up if you want to use CBD for anxiety. That way it is much easier to find the correct dosage that works for you. Your doctor will be able to recommend a suitable dosage, to begin with.

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The early signs are positive. Scientists are encouraged by the test results on lab rats and with some disorders associated with anxiety. The tests that have been conducted on humans have also given people hope. Addiction to illegal cannabis and weed are still worries but it is important to realize these are different. However, it is important to exercise some caution. Much larger samples sizes are needed to obtain clear results. This, unfortunately, takes time and money. As things stand, CBD oil for anxiety still needs much further research.

If you do decide to use CBD oil for anxiety it is highly advised that you speak with your doctor first. They know your medical history and will be able to give expert insights as to whether or not you should try CBD. CBD affects people in different ways. It is important to be aware of the risks and take appropriate doses.

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Paul Burns

Paul Burns might be best described by his famed catchphrase "Yabba Dabba Doo". Or maybe that was Fred Flintstone. When he's not writing for The Extract, he is penning his new novel.

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