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CBD oil for arthritis – can it help you?

Is CBD nature's answer to arthritis

Nature has always found a way to keep the balance and we know CBD oil for arthritis was used in the 19th century, the pharma industry has had people rely on prescription medications that unfortunately often have side effects worse than the disease. Let us look at if CBD is what nature intended us to use in order to reduce arthritis and the pain associated with arthritis?

CBD oil for arthritis - can it help you? 1

Canndid Candies – CBD Capsules



These CBD Capsules are super easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

CBD Capsules are perfect for those of us out there looking to try to incorporate CBD into our fast-paced and moving lifestyle. CBD Village is our trusted source of selling all Canndid CBD range.

Canndid is a company that prides itself on creating some of the best quality CBD products which are made from organic hemp. These CBD Capsules are available in two different strengths, 500mg total (50 servings of 10mg per capsule) and 750mg total (30 servings of 25mg per capsule).

It doesn’t contain any cheap, filler ingredients and it is also GMP certified. It contains full-spectrum CBD oil.

Can arthritis be helped by CBD oil?

As we mentioned earlier, CBD can aid your body by helping it effectively use its own endocannabinoids. It can also manage inflammation and pain by attaching to receptors (CB1 and CB2) present in the immune system and brain. CBD also has anti-inflammatory effects that could slow down the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Due to these functions, CBD oil has been crucial in treating chronic pain.

Certain studies, at the preliminary level, suggest that CBD oil may be effective in easing arthritis pain, whether rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Here’s a quick rundown of the two:


Osteoarthritis majorly affects the hip, thumb joints and knees, causing chronic pain and stiffness in the bones and cartilage that surrounds them. It is a degenerative disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, occurs when a person’s own immune system sabotages the body’s joints, leading to an autoimmune disease. Known to cause a lot of pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, rheumatoid arthritis is common in the hands and feet.

Some of the studies, conducted on animals, produced results that indicated that CBD oil could relieve arthritis pain. Some of the earliest studies, back in 2006, showed that Sativex, a mouth spray containing cannabis, helped cause pain relief from arthritis. A study conducted on rats in 2011 showed that CBD oil did relieve inflammation and chronic pain by affecting the pain receptors’ response to stimuli, while other studies conducted in 2014 showed that CBD could effectively treat osteoarthritis. Another study in 2016 showed that applying CBD topically can also relieve arthritis symptoms, while a 2017 study proved its effectiveness yet again in osteoarthritis.

However, not all studies on humans have been successful, producing mixed results; therefore, no concrete scientific proof exists of the effectiveness of CBD oil as a treatment for arthritis. Given the encouraging results in most cases, though, research is still being carried on to find conclusive evidence that CBD helps treat arthritis.

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How to effectively use CBD oil

Factors that affect CBD dosage

Many experts deem CBD to be completely safe, with side effects (if any) only arising from the THC content. However, doctors recommend keeping the following points in mind:

  • Though CBD is non-psychotropic, too much of anything is, indeed, bad. Low doses are not only most effective for pain relief, but they are also safer. Start by consuming them only at night, increasing the dose only if necessary (anywhere between 5-75 mg is deemed ideal and effective).
  • Work your way up the ladder slowly and surely. Start with 5-10 mg of CBD-only products twice a day and only then slowly increase it to 50-100 mg daily. However, even if that doesn’t work for you, try a CBD product with a low, legal dose of THC.
  • Find a CBD dosage level that works for you before trying vaping and edibles; the former’s effects last longer than the latter.
  • Beware of CBD products containing THC.
  • This one should go without saying, but always buy your CBD from reputable sources and not from the smoked-up dude next door. Look for sellers with third-party lab tests confirming CBD levels.
  • Educate yourself. Learn not just the benefits and risks of using CBD oil, but also the laws and provisions that surround it.

CBD is available in many forms such as capsules, pills, powder and oil, with only the final form being of interest to us here. In its oil form, CBD can be used to make gels and creams, or even be applied topically as is. Users can ingest CBD oil in the form of capsules or use oral sprays that contain the oil. It can also be added to food or water; some companies also sell CBD salves and balms that can be applied directly to the skin especially using CBD creams for acne.

For those suffering from arthritis, it may be best to combine ingesting CBD oil with applying it topically; however, it is always worth checking with your doctor. It is also recommended that you keep the oil for 60 seconds in your mouth before swallowing it, for maximum impact.

The side effects of using CBD Oil

CBD oil, in most cases, does not produce any side effects. However, one size does not fit all and there have been cases where CBD oil has caused mild discomfort in the following ways:

  • Changes in body weight
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea

Additionally, some users may be allergic to CBD itself, so ensure you do a patch test to get that out of the way! The fact that CBD has the ability to interfere with the cytochrome P450 complex, an enzyme that helps the liver break down toxins, is also a cause for worry. Lastly, if you are under other medication on a regular basis, CBD oil and said medication may not be the cocktail mix that you desire, so ensure you check with your doctor, as mentioned before. Its impacts could also vary depending on the food you consume, such as grapefruit, as both can impact enzymes that are crucial in metabolising drugs. We have the best CBD for sale in the UK listed in one easy place too!

However, approved drugs (in the UK and United States) such as Epidyolex/Epidiolex, the brand name under which CBD products are sold to treat two major types of epilepsy treated with CBD, have not resulted in worry-causing side effects.

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Side Effects of CBD

Choosing a CBD Oil Product

Though there may be numerous options available, it is best to know the criteria to look for in good CBD oil. Some of them are:

  • Buying from white label manufacturers who provide a full list of the ingredients used in the product, especially the CBD and THC content; the latter defines the product’s legality.
  • Organically and ethically sourced, in line with EU rules and regulations.
  • The hemp must be grown on pre-tested soil.
  • Look for lab results or tests that the product has gone through. These should be published on the manufacturer’s site or stated on the label. If not, they should be available for viewing on requesting the company.
  • CBD oil should be extracted from hemp using sub or supercritical CO2, which is deemed the best, most non-toxic and purest way to extract oil from hemp.
  • Look for purity and potency; spend a little extra on good quality oil that’s effective rather than blowing up on many bottles of cheap quality oil that don’t help.
  • Look for full-spectrum CBD, meaning that the oil contains a wide variety of essential cannabinoids (such as fatty acids, flavonoids, protein, vitamins and minerals), as these produce effects that are long-lasting. A reputable wholesale UK supplier of CBD will have the necessary COA tests to ensure the THC is low and legal.
  • Go for trusted UK CBD brands; this means doing your research, checking the brand’s websites and browsing through product reviews.

CBD oil, an oil made from the chemical compound “cannabidiol” found in marijuana (one of the many variants cannabis goes by) has become quite the hot topic among the medical intelligentsia. Before you disbelievingly dismiss this oil, let us tell you that cannabidiol is the non-psychotropic component (bye, bye, bad trips) of the cannabis plant. There are a whole host of studies being conducted to prove its definite benefits in treating the symptoms of various health issues and conditions such as cancer. In fact, legal issues and risk of side effects apart, so supposedly effective is the oil that many people have ditched traditional painkillers in favour of CBD oil.

Today, we take a look at how CBD oil can help, in particular, those suffering from arthritis and its many forms and symptoms. A use introduced by collaborating researchers from the universities of Nottingham, Pittsburgh and Virginia Commonwealth (the latter two American), with backing from the UK-based Arthritis Research UK and the National Institutes of Health, CBD oil has many arthritis-beleaguered takers.

What Is CBD Oil?

As we said earlier, CBD oil comes from the cannabis Sativa plant, with the world being highly familiar with two of the plant family’s members — hemp and marijuana. These two produce compounds called “cannabinoids” (of which there are more than 100 different types), with cannabidiol being a type of cannabinoid. However, as opposed to other types of cannabinoids, cannabidiol doesn’t induce a ‘high’ in the user (the bad boy that we love to love and hate in equal measure is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive compound).

Most of the CBD products in the market are made from hemp that has a THC percentage of less than 0.3. If we still haven’t caught your interest, how about the fact that your body makes its own cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) to combat pain and inflammation? These endocannabinoids have receptors that attract their not-so-distant cousins who, researchers believe, help your body use your own cannabinoids in a more effective manner. The best CBD UK products can be found from reliable suppliers.

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Also Read:  What is CBD oil & what can it do for you?

Does CBD Oil Really Come from Marijuana?

Marijuana is the name used to refer to cannabis that has a high THC content. Most CBD oils are extracted from approved hemp farms, meaning that they don’t contain high and concerning amounts of psychotropic ingredients. Additionally, though natural CBD is found in many plants, it is highest in marijuana and hemp, which is why it is extracted from these two.

However, again, CBD oil from marijuana will contain psychotropic effects due to THC (which can sometimes be up to 30% in the oil), which is why its production and possession is controlled and complicated. CBD oil from hemp, on the other hand, is safe for use, even being backed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

CBD oil for arthritis - can it help you? 2

Canndid CBD Tincture



These drops can easily be placed underneath your tongue for the most efficient consumption possible. This means it’s easily added to your daily night routine.

If you are looking to buy some CBD oil for the first time well then, CBD Village and the Canndid tincture range is the product for you. There are 3 different tinctures that range from 250mg to 1500mg of cannabidiol. It also contains many other cannabinoids like CBN, CBDA, CBC, CBG and CBDV as well as fatty acids like Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Canndid is a company that prides itself on creating some of the best quality CBD tinctures that are made from organic hemp.

It doesn’t contain any cheap, filler ingredients and it is also GMP certified. It contains full-spectrum CBD oil.

The Canndid tincture is super convenient to take. You can take it anywhere from work, a car or at home. Every batch is also rigorously tested by a 3rd party. The testing takes place in a state of the art laboratory.

Is CBD Legal?

Despite the controversy that surrounds it, CBD has a reported 300,000 users in the United Kingdom as of 2018, with the oil being used in cosmetic products, medicines and edibles as well! Cannabis was outlawed in the UK in 1928 as a result of the country’s participation in an international drug conference in Geneva.

Though cannabis is still illegal in the UK for “recreational purposes” (controlled under the “Misuse of Drugs Act”), CBD oil is legal as long as it contains less than 1mg of THC in the United Kingdom to be legal (that cannot be easily separated from the CBD oil) and is EU approved. In fact, the island of Jersey became the first island in the British Isles to legalise hemp production for cannabis oil.

Many doctors in clinics around the UK prescribe legal cannabis derivatives to their patients for a range of illnesses, both mental and physical. However, this is only if licensed medicines can’t do the job. Despite its legality, cases still do occur where CBD oil has been seized by authorities in airports and train stations.

Also Read:  Is CBD oil legal in the UK? The UK’s CBD law explained

Ending on a High!

It’s no wonder that CBD oil has been rising in popularity, given its efficiency in easing not just arthritis pain but a whole range of other problems. Though no concrete proof exists of this efficiency, users swear by it and CBD oil shows considerable promise as a possible treatment for arthritis. Of course, a more in-depth research is necessary before this becomes a solid fact!

Despite this, some people may find CBD to be a better alternative than traditional painkillers. Of course, the right dosage varies from person to person and you’ll need your doctor’s help to figure this CBD dosage out. Keep these things in mind and you’re good to go!

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