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This year’s GCI Virtual Summit is not to be missed

The GCI Virtual Summit takes place in only a few weeks and is set to connect global industry experts and thought leaders. And with over 1500 global cannabis and psychedelic leaders attending this prestigious event, and many big names in the industry singing the summit's praises, it is not one to be missed.

What is the GCI Virtual Summit?

The GCI Virtual Summit is an accessible platform that allows stakeholders in the global cannabis community to engage with each other. As a result, it promotes development and inclusion in the industry and provides opportunities for leaders in the cannabis industry to come together and network with other key players.

2021 GCI Virtual Summit

This year's virtual summit will take place from the 7th – 9th December. It will feature a stellar lineup of global thought leaders, giving them the opportunity to customise their program across several themes. For example:

  • Research & Applied Science
  • Medicine, Treatment & Patients
  • Psychedelic Therapeutic Compounds
  • Regulations & International Markets
  • Consumer Brands & Retail
  • Cultivation, Ops & Tech
  • Investment & Finance

Furthermore, as the event is entirely virtual, leaders can organise their program from the comfort of their own home or office.

For those more interested in networking, the GCI Virtual Summit provides ample opportunities, allowing you to find like-minded individuals and schedule video meetings with them to make new connections for the future. And it does this in an ingenious way. After submitting information about yourself, the networking platform’s AI will calculate and find other leaders who are best suited for you to connect with based on the information you provide.

Best of all, the GCI Summit provides many FREE tickets. These tickets are available for anyone who wants to learn or network at the event. Therefore, all you have to do is apply for a free ticket. It's that simple.

Also Read:  National CBD Day celebrated in Glasgow and all around the world

The summit is a must, and is especially useful for the following parties:

  • Doctors
  • Researchers
  • Investors
  • Policymakers
  • Patients
  • Retailers

The summit is for anyone wanting to learn more about the industry and form better relationships within it.

gci virtual summit

Get your tickets

The GCI Summit is at the forefront of our events calendar. If you want to attend this phenomenal event, you can apply for FREE tickets with absolutely no strings attached. Above all, make sure you apply for your free ticket now, or purchase an early bird Premium Ticket at a discounted price today.

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