
Product Earth 2019 Highlights

The Extract attended Product Earth from August 23rd to August 25th in NAEC Stoneleigh. One of the largest CBD industry events in Europe, the entire event was held in association with the British Hemp Association. Every aspect of the CBD, hemp, and burgeoning medical cannabis industry was represented at the event. This innovative and extravagant exhibition-cum-music festival showcased the rapid surge in growth of the CBD industry.

James Walton, the Product Earth founder, said: “The aim of Product Earth is to enlighten, educate and inspire trade and industry around hemp, CBD and medical sectors.”

With CBD now appearing everywhere from small local shops to high street retailers like Holland & Barrett, it’s important for everyone out there to become as educated as they can be on the topic. Along with a fantastic music programme the Project Earth cannabis and CBD expo certainly filled that gap.

Also Read:  Hemp protein powder 3x more protein than chicken, beef or pork

Jon Cosgrave

Jon is a content writer and copywriter. When not grappling with words, he grapples at jiu-jitsu. His fingers are in constant agony.

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