Mental Health

CBD for professionals

The challenges faced by most of the world population in the last year, have been a source of stress for many. Young professionals feeling the pressure are increasingly exploring CBD to help with stress.

Why are young professionals turning to CBD?

Although people take CBD for pain relief or other symptoms, an increasing number of millennials are turning to cannabinoid products to deal with stress.

Rising numbers of the UK workforce are reporting, feeling more stressed than ever.

Those in high-stress jobs are among the growing numbers of people discovering CBD is beneficial to their mental health and well being. Young professionals from a broad spectrum of professions attributed work as the main stressor.

An estimated 17.3 million professionals in the UK said they would try CBD to help with stress and anxiety.

The majority felt it would help reduce stress levels while helping them feel more focused.

CBD and stress

CBD is a natural compound that interacts with our Endocannabinoid system. A communication system of neurotransmitters and receptors regulating many of our bodies' functions. Pain, mood, and memory for instance.

Our body recognises cannabinoids as something that mimics a normal, natural process it is already doing.

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When our naturally produced cannabinoids interact with CBD cannabinoids. The effect is enhanced feelings of relaxation, which helps reduce stress levels. Consequently improving focus.

The effects of stress are debilitating for many people.  It impacts the ability to cope with daily living or work commitments.

If the body remains in a heightened state of stress, it can be incredibly detrimental.

Symptoms of chronic stress

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Heart: Respiratory and cardiovascular systems are affected by stress.
  • Digestion: Under stress, your liver produces extra blood sugar. Constant stress can cause Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Muscular: Stress causes our muscles to tense up to protect themselves.
  • Immune System: Our immune system can become lowered due to Chronic stress
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Lifting the stigma

CBD use is nothing new and dates back centuries. Historically used by physicians in China, as medicine for pain relief.

Recently changing legislations and laws in several states, have meant that the stigma which once surrounded CBD has lifted.

Consequently, it is hailed as a ‘wonder' ingredient and found in a wealth of products.

The medicinal value of CBD has been widely marketed, resulting in a continuous influx of new products to the market.

Some, CBD Tinctures, Edibles, and Oils and sublingual products can be found many online Health and Wellness stores.

The lack of stigmatisation and variety of products makes it easier than ever to find something that suits your particular needs.

CBD does not make you high

CBD is one of the 100 cannabinoids found in the marijuana or hemp plant. Unlike delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it is not psychoactive. Therefore, you will not get high.

The experience from CBD use is one of relaxation and pain reduction.

Also Read:  Mysteries Of The Endocannabinoid System – What We Know

In fact, research suggests it helps reduce inflammation, stress, anxiety and depression.

Consumers find that using CBD infused creams helps to ease the discomfort of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

 CBD topicals

The CBD products you buy will depend significantly on what you want to achieve. If you wish to treat skin conditions or inflammation, then topicals are the best option.

  • Topicals are used on the skin. Many topicals ease skin conditions and irritation.
  • The topical offers intense, immediate relief to the problematic area. Therefore making it a popular choice for many with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.
  • Because Cannabidiol has properties that reduce inflammation, many athletes choose to relieve muscle pain and speed up muscle recovery.

Discreet ways to ingest CBD

If you fancy CBD infused edibles, there are plenty on offer.

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Healthy CBD snack options and supplements are found in abundance in Health stores. So you can find something for the mid-morning hunger pangs or enjoy a CBD tea or coffee while chatting with work colleagues.

The journey through the digestive tract and liver means that you will not absorb the full dosage of CBD in your edible.

However, it does offer a discreet option, if you're in the workplace.

Edible options:

  • Gummy Bears,
  • Chocolate,
  • Cookies,
  • Truffles
  • Infused Tea
  • CBD Coffe
  • Hot Chocolate

Sublingual options:

  • CBD products are designed to be absorbed below the tongue. They come in the form of solutions and typically include tinctures, like oils, sprays, and lozenges.
  • Placing CBD under the tongue has a faster effect as it doesn't have to pass through the digestive system.
  • This means that more of the CBD is absorbed into the body faster. Similarly, Vaping offers a discreet, effective method to get your daily dose of stress relief.
Also Read:  The UK's Ultimate Guide To CBD Edibles And Drinks

Is CBD an opioid?

The answer to this is no! In fact, CBD is being explored by many medical professionals as a possible alternative for opioid addiction.

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain issues. Traditionally over the counter and prescribed pain relief medications contain opioids In the UK in 2017, there were over 24 million prescriptions written by GPs.

Pain relief is the most common reason that patients take prescription medication. Opioids attach to receptors in the brain and act to numb pain and boost feelings of pleasure.

“The problem with opioids is that they can become addictive and some which are part of anti-inflammatory medication, can have side effects.” According to Psychiatrist Dr Paul Mc Lauren.

Noticing a rising problem of opioid addiction in the UK. Dr Mc Laurn, also suggested that the drug's e euphoric effect can make them attractive, as stress relief for some. In some cases leading to dependency and addiction.

Opioids slow the heart rate and breathing, so if not taken in properly prescribed dosage, can cause death.

Can CBD help with opioid addiction?

Trials in America carried out by the National Institute of Drug Abuse found that replacing opioids with CBD made the transition from opioids easier.

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Using the FDA approved drug Epidolex, the first CBD medication. Studies indicate CBD helps reduce cravings and stress for those coming off heroin.

Studies are ongoing, and to date, only one or two CBD based drugs have actually been approved by the FDA. The anticipation is that in the foreseeable future, the humble plant will replace many opioid medications.

Pharmaceutical companies are also recognising the potential benefits for this, and are exploring the use of CBD.

Regulation and CBD

There are some concerns about the regulation of CBD products with so many flooding the market. The new regulation classifying CBD as a novel food will significantly change how it is sold in the UK.

CBD is not a typical novel food, so the finished product's formulation and presentation are being checked. Any food placed on the novel food list by the FSA needs to be preapproved before it can be sold.

CBD was placed on the list in January of last year and is now considered a novel food. This includes all CBD edibles and anything that can be ingested. Gummy bears, chocolates, tea, and CBD coffees.

Selling or manufacturing the product will require certification from FSA. Products that have not been on the shelf before the new regulations can not be sold.

While the regulations are a cause for concern, many in the CBD industry welcome the changes for various reasons. Considering them a positive move towards responsible CBD production.

It is wise to make sure you know what you're buying. It is advisable to buy CBD in pure form and to buy from a reliable retailer. If buying any CBD product, always check label and company transparency. Make sure it carries a 3rd party lab cert.

Is CBD legal?

There are some legal considerations for CBD, and as it is not yet considered legal in many countries. Stigma still exists among government regulators regarding CBD. Those who still view it as similar to marijuana or who do not know enough about it.

The UK's new regulations: It remains to be seen if the restrictions and regulatory enforcement will be carried out. However, it is advisable to do your research.

In the UK, CBD products are required to carry the novel foods certificate.

Maighread Ni Mhaonghail

Experienced Creative Director with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry.

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