Pain Relief

What CBD oil is good for back pain?

Industry of Bulk UK CBD oil tinctures and gummies helps back pain

Over 80% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives, and in particular lower back pain. It can last a few days or weeks (acute pain) to weeks or months (subacute pain) or even years (chronic pain). There is some research on how CBD can positively treat such back conditions.

The source of a back problem is often difficult to diagnose, as the pain could stem from a number of areas such as the joints, nerves, discs, and muscles. People with underlying conditions such as inflammatory disease, osteoporosis, or fibromyalgia are more susceptible to back pain than others.

CBD Pain Relief

Unresolved, it can lead to further problems down the line including depression, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Recommended treatment by physicians in the majority of cases are pain relievers such as opioids, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

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With the current opioid addiction crisis and a growing scepticism towards pharmaceutical drugs with their host of side effects, more and more people are turning to Cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential alternative treatment.

How CBD can help

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid from the cannabis plant. Growing in popularity, it is now used by millions of people across the world for a number of illnesses both proven in clinical studies and in pre-clinical studies.

Numerous research papers have shown CBD to be a safe alternative with anti-inflammatory properties and pain relief properties. CBD has also been shown to have potential in treating depression, anxiety, and difficulty in sleeping.

CBD fda

CBD reduced bone loss in mice in one particular study, leading scientists to believe it could be used to treat osteoporosis in the future. In conjunction with other cannabinoids, CBD may also help treat symptoms of fibromyalgia as seen in a study from Israel.

Also Read:  CBD for endometriosis: Does cannabis help with endometriosis?

What CBD products are the best?

CBD is infused in a growing number of products, from food and drinks to lotions and balms, with something to suit every palate, digestion and tolerance.

Each method of consumption differs in terms of bioavailability, that is the amount that is absorbed into the bloodstream versus the amount that is passed from the body.

CBD orally

With so many brands on the market, it is important to choose a company that can offer safe, third-party tested, quality products, such as those from highly reputable companies like Cibdol and Canavape, and poko.

CBD oil tincture

ECS CBD Oil Tincture is a quick and efficient method for administering an accurate dose of CBD.

ECS drops

Placing drops under the tongue offers one of the highest rates of bioavailability as the CBD quickly enters the bloodstream. This particular blend includes Cannabigerol (CBG), another non-psychoactive compound that is showing huge medicinal potential.

ECS CBD Oil can be purchased here.

CBD balm

Topical application has been shown to be a highly efficient method of administration as it bypasses first-pass metabolism leading to greater bioavailability.

By massaging the balm directly onto the affected area it can permeate the skin and get to work straight away.

UK CBD Balm can be purchased here.

CBD vaping

Vaping is one of the most efficient methods of bioavailability as it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. Canavape CBD e-liquid vaping is one of the fastest methods of absorption due to it entering the systemic circulation rapidly via pulmonary absorption.

There is no nicotine in CBD e-liquid and vaping has been shown to be much safer than smoking, as the toxins from combustion are not present as the liquid is heated rather than burned.

Canavape CBD e-liquid can be purchased here.

Softgel capsules

Cibdol softgel capsules are a simple method of administration and are ideal for accurate dosing.

Also Read:  CBD oil for Lyme disease: Does it work?

cibdol cbd

UK CBD capsules wholesale can be purchase here.


Johnny Hughes

Johnny Hughes is an avid writer and advocate of cannabis-based medications. Following a decade in corporate banking, Jonny transitioned his part-time love of writing into a blossoming full-time career.

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  1. CBD appears to decrease the pro-inflammatory cytokines and increase myeloid-derived suppressor cells. This, in turn, may reduce inflammation-related pain in muscle or back. Thanks for sharing this topic.

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