Muscle Recovery

CBD protein powder – can it power your fitness goals?

People serious about their fitness have always looked for ways to get the best results and keep improving. Traditionally, this simply meant long hours in the gym and eating a lot of meat or fish. The arrival of protein powders and their adoption in the fitness world has given people an alternative.

Sponsored: Buy CBD protein powders at CBD VillageThey have become extremely popular, leading to a rise in the options and varieties available. CBD protein powders are appearing too, but how do they work and are they worth considering?

Standard protein powder is used to support or boost nutrition. Protein is essential for the body and is mainly responsible for building muscle. It also repairs damaged tissue and plays a role in hormone and enzyme production. Some people also believe it helps them to lose weight and improve muscle tone. CBD protein powders do everything expected of a standard powder but are infused with CBD.

Does hemp protein powder have CBD?

The majority of mainstream protein powders are made from whey or casein, which come from milk and cheese production. Clearly, neither are suitable for vegans or people who can’t tolerate dairy.

Plant-based protein powders are being made from soy and pea protein. But hemp can also create vegan protein powder which is an attractive choice for all fitness enthusiasts.

Hemp protein powders are made from the seeds of the hemp plant which are high in protein. However, CBD is extracted from hemp leaves and flowers. The seeds do not contain CBD and will not provide the same qualities as a CBD protein powder. Hemp protein powder certainly has excellent qualities though:

  • Easy to digest
  • Great nutty taste
  • Flavoured options available
  • Contains essential amino acids
  • High in fibre
  • Rich in antioxidants and minerals

Why do people use CBD protein powder?

People who use regular protein powders do so to benefit their fitness, supplement their nutrition, and build and maintain muscle. Working hard in the gym to build muscle and tone the physique can, however, be tough and result in injury. Building muscle invariably means working it until it tears. The body then uses protein to repair these muscles in a stronger version.

Everyone needs protein in their diet but very active people need even more. Protein powders are a way to achieve this without bumping up your meat or fish intake. Even people without a demanding fitness regime may benefit from taking more protein on board. It can affect the appetite, leading to reduced snacking and preventing overeating.

CBD is used by many people who believe it offers:

  • Pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Clear mental focus
  • Healthier sleep and relaxation
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It makes sense that athletes and fitness enthusiasts, often suffering from aching muscles, increasingly turn to CBD for its benefits. With CBD protein powders available, people can obtain a healthy intake of protein while supporting their recovery and lifestyle.

People who train regularly often take a protein powder after a gym session, allowing it to work while they relax. As CBD may promote calmness and a sense of ease, it is popular when encouraging a good sleep pattern. For athletes, if a CBD protein powder can support muscle growth and repair, and improved sleep, it’s a sensible choice.

Research has shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, targeting pain and swelling. Increasing numbers of gym fans feel CBD reduces the soreness that comes with muscle tears and strains. They also believe it helps in rebuilding strength, leading to faster recuperation and enabling an earlier return to training sooner.

How is CBD protein powder made?

CBD protein powders are made by combining the vital CBD element with the base formula. This will usually be whey powder, casein or a plant-based foundation powder such as hemp, soy or pea protein. Extras such as vitamins and minerals are included and many options include flavouring. Quality products are made from natural and pure ingredients.

CBD protein powder is then consumed by mixing it with water or liquid and drinking it as a protein shake. Protein powders can be added to fruit or vegetable smoothies, which can help improve the taste and boost nutrition levels.

Is CBD a protein?

CBD is cannabidiol found in the cannabis or industrial hemp plant. It is not a protein but is combined with a high protein source to boost your daily protein intake. It is mixed with a formula powder like whey to create a CBD protein powder and used as a dietary supplement.

Is CBD protein powder keto-friendly?

The keto diet has risen in popularity recently and is often favoured by fitness enthusiasts. This is because it can quickly reduce body fat and achieve that lean frame. It works by restricting carbohydrates and the sugars they contain, sending the body into ketosis.

A keto diet does allow some high-fat dairy, like cheese, and many protein powders are whey-based. However, they can also be heavy on sugar, carbohydrates and additives that can interfere with ketosis. You need to look very carefully at the ingredients to see if a powder suits your diet. CBD protein powders are fairly new, so it may be a challenge to find a keto-friendly option.

Is CBD protein powder gluten-free?

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, oats and barley. For people who are intolerant, or have coeliac disease, eating gluten can cause significant gut and stomach issues. Finding a CBD protein powder that is gluten-free again means trawling through the ingredient lists. And it needs to be guaranteed gluten-free as some ingredients can contain traces of gluten.

There are plenty of regular protein powders that are advertised as being gluten-free. However, given its relatively novel value, finding an acceptable CBD protein powder may take some searching. There are gluten-free CBD protein bars available that may offer an alternative to powders.

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Does CBD protein powder show up on a drug test?

The World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) has very strict rules on cannabinoids and all are prohibited except CBD (cannabidiol). Therefore, the use of CBD oil or edibles is permitted but the ruling comes with a warning. “CBD oils and tinctures extracted from cannabis plants may also contain THC … that could result in a positive test.”

CBD protein powders

Is CBD safe in food?

CBD products are strictly regulated in the UK and must meet certain legal requirements. CBD is one of the many cannabidiols found in the cannabis or hemp plant. THC is probably the most famous as it's the one with psychoactive properties – it gets you high. CBD products on sale in the UK must contain no more than 1 mg of THC per product.

There’s a growing range of edible products containing CBD. Edibles are food or drinks that contain CBD and are becoming increasingly popular. CBD protein bars are big news here and can offer an alternative to CBD protein powders. But you can also buy coffee, chocolate, gummy bears, sauces, even beer, infused with CBD.

CBD oil can taste bitter and questions are being raised over the safety of vaping. Therefore, CBD edibles offer an enjoyable and easy way to get the benefits. In a market that is growing rapidly, the options for consuming CBD will offer something for everyone.

Any edible product infused with CBD should clearly list the CBD and THC content on the packet. If it doesn’t, be cautious as it may not have undergone the appropriate testing.

CBD protein powder versus CBD oil

CBD in any form may alleviate everyday aches and pains or the discomfort of overworked muscles. If you are training regularly and often need help to ease these feelings, CBD is a natural choice. But there are other ways to take it, such as oils that are dropped under the tongue or muscle rubs.

Sponsored: Buy CBD Oils at CBD Village
Sponsored: Buy CBD Oils at CBD Village

Why then choose a CBD protein powder over an oil or a topical cream? CBD oil will provide a quick release of CBD goodness as it is absorbed sublingually. But it has its drawbacks:

  • Has to be taken regularly throughout the day
  • Can taste bitter (although flavoured versions are available)
  • Unpalatable for some
  • More visible being taken
  • Can be easy to exceed the recommended dose.

CBD muscle rubs and oils

A muscle rub that is applied at the source, perhaps the lower back or thighs, is an alternative to oil. With a muscle rub or cream, CBD is taken directly to the area it’s needed. But CBD is absorbed slowly through the skin, and not as quickly as oil in the mouth.

It will keep working for a while once applied and often has soothing herbal ingredients that complement the CBD. Again though, these need to be reapplied and some people don’t appreciate that creamy, sometimes greasy residue on their hands.

CBD oils and muscle rubs are great options for people whose fitness goals are not as intense. And for anyone just taking the occasional exercise classes they may help ease general aches and pains. They are also ideal for anyone looking to ease away sore muscles and feel more comfortable. A CBD oil will not, however, contribute to muscle growth or repair as you expect from a CBD protein powder.

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Fitness enthusiasts who undertake a training plan to actively change their bodies are likely to have a long-term plan. Their routine probably consists of a daily gym or home workouts combined with strict dietary or nutrition goals. They are more than likely very familiar with protein powders which may already be integral to their fitness.

This is where CBD protein powders have the advantage. Simply swap to a CBD version if your routine gym workout is followed or preceded by a protein shake. It provides a regular boost of protein that not only supports your muscle development but could ease recovery.

Pros and cons of using CBD protein powder

When deciding on changing your regular protein source for a CBD protein powder, always consider the options and risks. Any over-consumption of protein, whether it’s a CBD version or not, can be damaging. Regular intake of high quantities of protein can affect kidney function.

As with any supplement, be very aware of your own health issues and the product guidelines.


  • Helps to build and maintain muscle tone
  • CBD could help with physical recovery
  • Faster recovery leads to more effective training
  • May assist with relaxation and sleep after a workout
  • An easy swap from your regular protein powder
  • Product range likely to increase


  • Limited range of products
  • Expensive compared to regular powders
  • Little research on its use

What are the different types of CBD protein powder?

It is a growing area and there may not be a huge range of CBD protein powders to choose from. However, this is sure to change as all CBD-infused products are becoming much more widely available.

Firstly, what is your preference for a base powder? People who are happy with dairy or are not intolerant have the option of whey or casein with added CBD. As these are the prevalent powders in regular use it is likely to see CBD added to these.

Even if you do take dairy you may prefer to stick to a plant-based protein powder. In this case, choose a vegan product that has the CBD mixed with hemp, soy or pea powder. For particular dietary needs or diets, be aware and choose, for instance, organic, gluten-free or keto CBD protein powders.


CBD protein powders offer an attractive alternative to people who prioritise fitness. Building muscle and changing body shape can be painful and tiring. A CBD protein powder that can help you bulk up but recover and relax more quickly is an enticing prospect.

The drawbacks at present are the lack of availability and choice and the high price. Most CBD products tend to be in the higher price bracket because they use pure, naturally sourced ingredients. There is also little research on general CBD use to back up anecdotal reports of its effects on physical wellbeing.

Using a CBD protein powder on a regular, or even daily, basis could be prohibitively expensive. For those who experience mild aches and pains after exercising, a topical muscle rub can give excellent results.

Perhaps CBD protein powder can be a product to compliment your usual protein shot, taken occasionally and when needed? But for anyone training to achieve and maintain peak fitness, a CBD protein powder should definitely be considered.

Claire McKenna

Claire McKenna is a content writer and editor with a background in consumer, medical and lifestyle publishing. Away from work she ushers at a theatre, does yoga challenges and loves a good podcast.

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