
10 benefits and uses of hemp oil

There has been a great deal of noise about hemp in recent years. It’s making big waves in sustainable industries and it’s even hailed as a possible answer to climate change. But what about the humble hemp oil? What are the ten benefits and uses of hemp oil?

What is hemp oil?

When we talk about hemp oil we need to make a distinction and clear some confusion. Plain old hemp oil has been gathering dust in health food stores for years. But now it’s taking pride of place in and out of the kitchen. Made from pressed hemp seeds, it is a versatile and extremely useful oil full of protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

The other type of hemp oil – CBD oil – is made from the leaves, stems and flowers of the hemp plant. These contain cannabidiol, or CBD, which has known medicinal properties. It also has huge and growing popularity worldwide.

This is because there are so many claims about its reputed benefits in a range of health issues. These include managing stress and depression, reducing pain, minimising inflammation and improving sleep. Unfortunately, the research has not yet been done to support many of these claims.

Both hemp oil and CBD oil make great claims for health and wellness. For the sake of balance, we examine five great features of both amazing oils. Then you can make your choice about which to use, or maybe you’ll be persuaded to use both?

Hemp seed oil benefits and uses

1. Cooking

Hemp oil is a tasty alternative to standard cooking oils. However, it doesn’t react well to heat and gets quite smoky. For best results use it at low temperatures or try using it for:

  • Salad dressings
  • Hummus
  • Pesto
  • Dips
  • Sauces
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Hemp seed oil contains vitamin E and Omega-3 for health-conscious cooks. It has an earthy, nutty taste. Furthermore, it has a nutritional content per tablespoon of 120 calories and 14 g of mainly unsaturated fats.

2. Skincare

Hemp oil has remarkable properties when it comes to skin. Research has shown it can significantly help with eczema when added to the diet. The fatty acids in hemp oil encourage skin cell regeneration. Therefore, it could benefit people with other skin conditions like acne or psoriasis. It may also help improve the condition of hair and nails.

Hemp oil is also used to relieve the sore skin of nappy rash. It can be applied directly and offers a natural alternative to manufactured creams. It is also available as specially prepared balms combined with other skin-friendly ingredients.

3. Healthy heart

Hemp oil is great for the heart as it contains Omega acids. In particular, it contains the optimum ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 acids. This combination, plus the ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) in hemp oil can reduce cholesterol and may help protect against heart disease.

4. Vegan nutrition

The human body needs a source of essential fatty acids. They are vital for many functions, including lowering blood pressure and improving metabolic rate. There are relatively few vegan sources of this alpha-linolenic acid. Fatty acids are mainly found in eggs and fish. But hemp oil is a valuable source which makes it an ideal plant supplement for vegans.

5. Pet health

Hemp oil is a very useful treatment for coat problems or allergic reactions in pets. Hemp is a rare source of gamma-linoleic acid that is so effective for irritations caused by allergies. Special hemp oil feed can help with infections, encourage fur replenishment and improve its condition. It can also stimulate the immune system and metabolism. Furthermore, hemp can even help with pet eczema. Your furry friend will thank you for using hemp oil.

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hemp benefits for body

CBD oil benefits and uses

The volume of anecdotal evidence for CBD oil and its effects on the body are hard to ignore. It has also led to a huge rise in products. CBD oil is the number one choice for first-time users but CBD is now available in skincare, capsules, tea and cookies. Here’s why CBD oil is so popular, with suggestions of third party tested products available at CBD Village.

1. Stress management

CBD creates a feeling of increased calm and wellbeing. Anecdotal evidence suggests taking CBD helps people manage daily stresses and worry, and reduces tension. Therefore, it may enable you to tackle the daily demands with more focus. Plus, there’s no need to stress further because CBD has very strict rules regarding THC content. There should be zero or trace amounts of THC in CBD oil, so it won’t produce a ‘high’.

People take CBD oil drops throughout the day, or just occasionally when they feel up against it. Try Canndid CBD Tincture with 1500 mg of CBD and berry flavour. 2. Improved sleep

Stress and sleep problems are often closely linked. A lack of, or inability to sleep, is tied up with anxiety. Our minds can’t switch off from the daily worries and, as a result, it’s hard to fall asleep. Or we wake constantly in the night or can’t get back to sleep after waking too early.

CBD oil taken in the evening may help ease the mind and reduce any pain that might be affecting sleep. This sense of ease puts the brain and body in a better state for sleep. Favor CBD Hemp Tincture Oil has 500 mg of CBD and comes in a choice of flavours.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties

CBD has known anti-inflammatory properties. This means it may be helpful for anyone suffering from the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Inflammation also occurs when the muscles are overstretched or torn through excessive or new types of exercise. A few drops of oil during the days when joints and muscles are sore may lead to faster recovery and a reduction in discomfort. Try Alfa Labs CBD Tincture Oil which has 2000 mg but is also available at lower

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4. Healthy skin

Just as hemp oil works from the inside to condition and improve the skin, so may CBD oil. CBD can reduce inflammation and the redness of sore, irritated skin. This makes it ideal for conditions like acne or rosacea.

But you may want to skip the oil here and try a skincare product. These are used in the same way as regular beauty products. They are gentle and the CBD produces a cooling sensation on dry or sensitive skin. Poko offers a great range of vegan CBD skincare, like their Soothing Serum.

5. Pain relief

Research into CBD oil is mainly positive about its ability to provide pain relief. However, results can differ on whether CBD reduces actual pain or alters the brain’s perception of pain. Either way, anecdotal evidence reports big improvements in pain management, especially for chronic pain. This is where you may benefit from a higher strength CBD oil.

But it’s always best to start with a lower dose then work up. Alternatively, choose a high strength but start with one or two drops. Then increase the dosage until you find that sweet spot. Try LVWell Max CBD Broad Spectrum 3000 mg.

Avoid confusion

There is often some confusion about hemp oil and CBD oil as they are both produced from hemp. Unfortunately, some manufacturers may claim hemp oil contains CBD and decorate their fake products with cannabis imagery.

Hemp oil for cooking and nutritional content should be sold as pure hemp seed oil. If you are looking for quality CBD oil, buy from a reputable shop or online store. For reassurance, choose a product that is third-party lab tested. This ensures the CBD content is the advertised strength.

Hemp seed oil or CBD oil may both find a regular place in your home. Whether it’s for cooking, nutrition, health or even your pet, hemp oil is a good choice.

You may also like to read: Benefits of Hemp Oil for Horses

Claire McKenna

Claire McKenna is a content writer and editor with a background in consumer, medical and lifestyle publishing. Away from work she ushers at a theatre, does yoga challenges and loves a good podcast.

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