
What are the benefits of CBD tea and coffee?

CBD tea and coffee UK suppliers

The vast number of ways in which to consume CBD can be both a blessing and a curse to the CBD user. It’s a similar sensation to choosing a meal to eat from a menu of 30 options when most of them take your fancy, the choice can leave more unsure than ever.

From raw and unprocessed CBD buds to CBD gummy sweets and CBD bath bombs, the legal cannabis industry has blown up in the past decade and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the saturation of products that have flooded the market.

However, one CBD product range that stands out from the crowd is CBD hot beverages – CBD tea and CBD coffee. Harbouring a range of benefits from convenience to discretion, there are plenty of reasons why your daily CBD dosage routine should include one or both.

Benefits of CBD tea and CBD coffee


Anybody who has tasted CBD oil will certainly be aware of the intense earthy flavour. For some, it is part of the natural experience, but for others, it’s almost unbearable.

By consuming CBD as a part of coffee or tea, the naturally strong taste is diluted and masked by other, stronger flavours, making it a much more pleasurable experience. Also, due to the ever-increasing popularity of whitelabel CBD beverages, there are plenty of brands and flavours to choose from.


CBD is most effective for the relief of chronic pain conditions when consumed regularly and the best way to consume CBD regularly is to make it a part of your daily routine.

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Some people can find it quite hard to incorporate sublingual CBD oil into their daily routine, so replacing your morning drink with a CBD alternative can prove effective.


Although CBD is non-intoxicating v's THC and declared safe for consumption by the World Health Organisation, some people still find it hard to disassociate it from the stigmas attached to cannabis.

By consuming CBD as either CBD tea or CBD coffee, it hides the fact that CBD is being consumed from any prying and judgemental eyes.


What are the top brands of CBD tea and coffee in the UK?

The benefits of CBD tea and CBD coffee are evident. Some of the top-selling brands available in the UK are:

  • Dr. Greenlove CBD tea

A CBD tea made from 100% pure, EU-approved hemp buds grown to be naturally rich in CBD.

  • HopeCBD evening tea

Specially formulated CBD tea infused with lavender root, valerian and linden. Perfect for a relaxing evening.

  • HuGG CBD infused coffee

An Italian roast, coarse ground coffee infused with 490 mg of CBD per bag.

  • Kickback CBD cold brew

A CBD cold brew coffee made with coconut milk and sweetened with date syrup. Perfect for those getting a CBD kick on the go.

Michael Quinn

Michael is a 27-year-old Chemistry graduate from Stoke-on-Trent, England. When he’s not writing he’s travelling to music venues across the country with his sound-system

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