
20th annual CannaSwiss Cup recognises Europe’s top CBD strains

The Extract was present in Zurich for the presentation of the CannaSwiss Cup Awards for 2018/2019, a much-anticipated event at CannaTrade. The 20th annual awards have grown a great deal since 1999 when six different outdoor strains of cannabis rich in CBD went before a jury vote and is now a staple at CannaTrade, Europe’s oldest hemp fair.

This year’s awards show presented by rapper Cali P once again draw the best CBD from indoor, outdoor and greenhouse growers.

20th annual CannaSwiss Cup recognises Europe’s top CBD strains 4

The winners of the 2018/2019 Swiss CannaCup

VIPs selected 35 CBD strains from a total of 55 entries, with the public voting for the best strains in each category. All strains underwent stringent testing for CBD, THC and pesticide content, with laboratory testing in a bid to assess quality.

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Canna Swiss Test Box

The winner of the best outdoor grown CBD category within Switzerland was announced as Cpure Fedtonics by bioCan, while the same company and strain was also successful in the ‘Best Greenhouse CBD Grow’ category.

Meanwhile the ‘Best Indoor Grow’ category went to Calanda Kush by Canna Invest SA.

20th annual CannaSwiss Cup recognises Europe’s top CBD strains 5

Sponsors of a hugely exciting evening included CBD test ch, Grow magazine, Gizeh Rolling Papers, Weedmaps, Plagron and Boveda.

The stigma of CBD

Earlier in the day’s proceedings, The Extract visited the various exhibitors at the even, 75 of which had CBD as their core business. CBD is on the cusp of large scale societal acceptance and the profile of the audience at the event bore witness to the cross-section of the public interested in what it can do for them. Now we have the best CBD lube in the UK I think the sigma is well and truly lifted for successful business.

Marc, the founder of WeedBox – the CBD subscription company referred to an elderly lady who had become a customer.

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weedbox owner

She told she was too embarrassed to go to the store and ask for weed paraphernalia. She was greatly helped by the fact at all her CBD needs are met by the subscription box and she could relieve pain without having to deal with any stigma.

Stories like that are becoming fewer and stigma receding as more becomes known about CBD, and lobbyists continue to promote and inform about the plant extract’s true qualities.

Day 2 at the Cannatrade 2019 CBD event will end with the notorious CannaSesh afterparty featuring famous Swiss DJ's in one of Zurich's leading night clubs.

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