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Aldi take the “higher” ground

It’s the news that none of us knew we wanted to hear, but now that we have, it’s hard to deny how excited we are.

Aldi, the German supermarket chain, has announced that it will start selling live cannabis plants in their Swiss stores for the very reasonable price of 10 Swiss Francs (~£7.80).

Both of the giant German grocers, Aldi and Lidl, have been selling locally grown CBD products in Switzerland for the past year. Promoted as a ‘tobacco substitute', Artur CBD by The Botanicals is dried CBD flower from cannabis plants grown around the Lake Constance region of Switzerland. Selling at CHF 20 for a 3 g bag, their success has prompted Aldi to further diversify into the CBD market.

Ranging from 30 – 35 cm in height and with less than 1% THC content, the buds that the cannabis plants will produce won’t offer you and sort of high. However, according to enthusiasts and even a few respected scientific studies, they will offer a wide range of benefits, from anti-anxiety to anti-inflammatory.

It’s a great move by Aldi, but unfortunately, one we’re not likely to see replicated in the UK just yet.

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Paul Burns

Paul Burns might be best described by his famed catchphrase "Yabba Dabba Doo". Or maybe that was Fred Flintstone. When he's not writing for The Extract, he is penning his new novel.

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