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Ireland to begin importing medicinal cannabis

Health Minister, Simon Harris, has announced special measures to import medicinal cannabis during COVID-19.

It’s a welcome move by the Department of Health for those who rely on medicinal cannabis. COVID-19 has disrupted the travel plans of many, including patients who regularly travelled to Holland for cannabis. Now you can buy medical cannabis in the UK  or Ireland when you obtain a medical cannabis UK or Irish prescription.  Finding a chemist to supply you with the flower remains an evasive issue.

Speaking at the announcement of the initiative, Mr Harris said, “I am aware that the limited number of patients who avail of a ministerial licence for medicinal cannabis products issued under section 14 of the Misuse of Drugs Acts have been encountering difficulties with access owing to travel restrictions and people’s need to self-isolate.”

Also Read:  CBD oil for epilepsy – Can it help with seizures?

Vera Twomey, who led a campaign to secure medicinal cannabis for her daughter Ava, was delighted with the announcement. Ava suffers from a rare form of epilepsy and was having constant seizures before starting to use medicinal cannabis.

Ms Twomey, who spoke in the House of Commons last year on the benefits of alternative medicine, hopes these provisions will continue beyond the emergency period.

The United Kingdom has been behind many countries in introducing legislation for CBD and cannabis based products in the Uk but are making progress. You can now buy UK CBD oil in the shops such as Boots and Holland and Barretts but the best selection remains online. Always look for a reputable supplier and ensure they have COA tests visible which proves the levels inside.

Epilepsy has been a huge topic among CBD users for many years and the public opinion (not yet backed by fact) is the seizures tend to reduce when taking medical cannabis or CBD tinctures and oils. Always take doctors advice but be open to the possibility that epilepsy and cannabis products like CBD may be a solution especially when the THC is not part of the product being sold.

Also Read:  Profiles in CBD: England Rugby Star George Kruis and Saracens club mate Dom Day

RELATED: Ireland’s first cannabis-fund launched in Dublin

Jon Cosgrave

Jon is a content writer and copywriter. When not grappling with words, he grapples at jiu-jitsu. His fingers are in constant agony.

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