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World CBD Awards Show Barcelona

The world awards happen in Spain from the 12-15th July, just a few weeks away and more importantly Covid and its restrictions are behind us both here in the UK and in mainland Europe
Nominations are now closed but we are anxious to see the winners of such categories as most loved brands, best CBD edibles and skincare. It's a prestigious award for any business and a huge help for them to grow and attract investment.
Indications are the World CBD Awards is going to be a very important event for the industry and the suppliers and buyers. We spoke to Ramsey Douglas the Managing Director of World CBD Awards who told us he is expecting buyers from prestigious groups as well as industry buyers from the large pharmacy chains and believes the event will be a huge uplift to the industry.

A lot has happened since 2019 when Novel foods was a dot on the horizon of the industry. Now at this show the Novel foods regulation was coming into sharp focus and the reality of the situation means the pause the industry went through is hopefully coming to an end. The uncertainty the media threw into peoples minds about the “wild west” CBD industry should finally be fading away.

The new regulatory regime will mean the industry can develop from these new foundations and drive forward with exponential growth, provided of course, full spectrum products are fully authorised because they are the product of preference for many customers.

This new generation CBD show was a snapshot of the industry with major brands missing and many of the smaller sellers leaving the industry.

That’s not to say there were not major highlights in the show.

We met the Cannabis Trades Association team who said the industry was really starting to move forward in 2022. The CTA's Chief Operating Officer Marika Woods highlighted that the CTA had actually got the FSA to reopen the novel Foods list. Glaring omissions for some of their members meant they really pushed back on the FSA. This shows the power of trade associations when dealing with government red tape. They can go where no individual companies can reach.

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The show also saw one of the strongest supporters of The Extract exhibiting. The team at Poko did a great job with a great looking stand. The products at Poko really do stand out from the crowd, my daughter swears by them and is never without their face cream.  But don’t take my word for it. The product range has been really well received by public, reviewers and influencers alike. Poko has gone from strength to strength since its launch with many stores in Ireland and the UK stocking the full range of personal care products.

CBD show - Pokogroup

Then there was the Merlin, a really interesting device, this personal desktop extractor, a 3D printed Danish invention is the forerunner of what’s to come as the Cannabis industry grows. Innovation is the key to 21st century cannabis. The Merlin sits on your desktop and will take your botanicals and extract the very essence of them. The device has the potential to revolutionise the extraction of essential oils and  help medical patients get the best benefit from their prescriptions. We are waiting to see if the Merlin can extract residual cannabinoids from the flower that has already been vaporised. This would be a game changer and double your bang for your buck. Watch this space.

CBD show - Merlin

The Purplpro was another really innovative device for the future as the expansion of Cannabis access happens in the UK. This handheld device uses a near infrared spectrometer sensor to measure the cannabinoid content of herbal material or with an upcoming software update the measurement of cannabinoids in an extract will be possible.

CBD Show - Purplpro

We also came across Willow, a fascinating Californian start-up that operates in the new sphere of cannabinoid production.

Willow's Chief Scientific Officer Simon explained the concept to us. Essentially the company can programme yeast to replicate a target molecule. Willow can then brew vast quantities of the molecule in big vats when production is scaled with associated cost reductions. This production technology has a number of advantages over traditional plant grown cannabinoids in its scalability and targeting. The company has so far developed the technology to produce  CBD, CBG, CBGV, THCV & CBDV. The reason this matters is that the cannabis plant produces a huge number of cannabinoids with the UK recognising 97 but progressive countries like Israel recognising over 147. A lot of these molecules are only trace elements in the plant.

Also Read:  Sweden’s court ruling could devastate CBD industry

CBD Show - Willow

The technology Willow have developed will allow companies to replicate industrial quantities of the most minor cannabinoid for research and development. There are untold treasures in the myriad of cannabinoids that research is only just starting to understand. The production technology that willow offers could be the key that unlocks the treasure trove.

CCell technology. The vaping of CBD is now coming back into vogue as the vape products sit outside of the Novel foods regulation and have been able to continue without the regulatory issues surrounding ingestible products. The C Cell technology has proven to be the world leader in liquid vapes. The ceramic cores provide the ideal way to vape CBD products.

CBD show - CCell

The big stands for manufacturers like Taylor Mammon and Just CBD filled the center of the hall with product ranges that had made it through novel foods. There was a lot of interest and crowds gathered around talking over the future opportunities that the new legal foundations novel foods would present to companies and customers alike.

The future of CBD and regulated cannabinoids should become a lot clearer in the coming quarter as the dust starts to settle on the initial scramble to make the novel foods list.

CBD Show - JustCBD

It should be noted there were also new brands emerging that had big marketing budgets and name recognition behind them. It remains to be seen how successful they will be in the new world.

It was great to be back in person and see the cannabis industry emerging from the shadows of the pandemic and the upheaval of the last 2 years.

Welcome back everyone.

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