
CBD Strength Guide: What Strength CBD is Right For Me?

CBD strength plays a vital role in the effect a dose of cannabidiol (CBD) will have on you. The strength indicated on a CBD product can give you an approximation of how a dose will impact you, but there are no guarantees when dosing any substance. This is, of course, because we are all different.

Our bodies are unique ecosystems; our body mass index (BMI) will influence how we process and respond to a substance. Similarly, our metabolisms, our diets, our unique endocannabinoid system response, a tolerance we may or may not have built up and even our current mental state. Take into account all these factors, and you begin to understand why there are no hard and fast rules for dosing.

Anaesthetists will agree that administering sedatives and anaesthetics can sometimes be an imprecise art. However, they will also tell you that if you take into account some of the unique personal variables we listed above, you can piece together a set of guidelines to help you measure a dose of any compound.

Another important factor to consider is why you are using CBD in your health regimen. Do you have a specific condition you hope it will help with? Or do you just want to add a highly regarded health supplement to your wellness routine? Either way, you’ll need to do your research.

We’ll take a closer look at some of these factors a little later on. For now, we’ll begin with a solid piece of advice in three easy steps for those just beginning their CBD journey.

  • Start with a low dose.
  • Assess the impact it has on you.
  • Try a higher dose only if you need to.

CBD Strength

People just beginning to use CBD products sometimes need to do a bit of research on how to ascertain the strength of a given CBD product. On most products the strength will be listed in milligrams, but what does this information really mean?

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When we refer to the concentration or strength of CBD within a given product, we generally outline how many milligrams of CBD it contains. The higher the milligram of CBD listed on a product, the more potent it is usually.

  • 250 mg of CBD oil (10ml) has 1.25 mg per drop.
  • 500 mg CBD oil (also 10 ml) contains 2.5 mg per drop.

CBD Oil Strengths

Although there are myriad ways you can use CBD, perhaps the most well-known and straightforward method is using CBD oil. As CBD oil is a relatively simple solution that is usually made up of CBD added to a carrier oil, let’s take strengths of CBD oil as our benchmark for understanding the ratio of CBD dosage to other ingredients.

This means that knowing the volume of the bottle is also necessary. You could have a 10 ml bottle of CBD oil which indicates a strength of 1000 mg. However, you could also have a 20 ml bottle that has a strength of 1000 mg.

Therefore, you can conclude that these two are different strengths despite containing the same amount of CBD. The 20 ml bottle has the same amount of CBD but a higher proportion of carrier oil. Thus, making it half as concentrated as the 10 ml bottle.

So, how do you figure out how strong a product is? One way is to work out the percentage of CBD that makes up a given product. This is because, drop-for-drop, the percentage of CBD on a label represents the true concentration or CBD oil strength. Some simple math can help you work it out.

However, for the mathematically challenged among us, you can find online calculators where you can input the relevant metrics to work out the CBD oil percentage of a product. Here’s an easy way to remember the example that you can use as a starting point to work out CBD oil percentages.

  • 1000 mg CBD in a 10 ml bottle = 10 % CBD concentration.
  • 275 mg CBD in a 10 ml bottle = 2.75 % CBD concentration.
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How to Choose CBD Oil

Why you might want a high CBD oil concentration We believe you should take a number of factors into consideration when choosing a CBD oil. Let’s start with why you want to take it. CBD oil has been widely touted as a miracle ingredient, but can you believe the hype? Yes and no.

There are people who believe CBD could potentially help treat the symptoms of a wide range of illnesses. Arthritis, epilepsy, chemo-related symptoms, multiple sclerosis and anxiety are all conditions it’s been suggested could benefit from the use of CBD as part of a treatment plan. However, research into CBD oil is still ongoing.

We do know that people use it as part of their treatment plans for various conditions. So, without consistently proven and corroborated evidence, this phenomenon is purely anecdotal. The reasons behind how you choose CBD oil are yours and yours alone.

However, if you are considering it as part of a treatment plan for something serious or chronic, always consult with your doctor. It also stands to reason, that if you’d like to experiment with CBD to see if it can help with a long-standing or debilitating condition, you will most likely want to choose a strong CBD oil potency.

What Strength CBD Oil Should I Use?

For most ordinary users, those of us who see CBD oil as more of a wellness product or health supplement, we’ll reiterate our earlier advice. Start low and go slow with it. This is especially true if you use it to help assuage stress and promote relaxation. Or everyday aches and pains and exercise muscle recovery as well. High CBD concentration products could potentially leave you feeling tired. This is why it’s such a great supplement to support good sleep health.


Choosing CBD oil strength is not difficult when you consider the factors listed above. The CBD potency you need should be determined by what you are using CBD oil for. Additionally, as it is a powerful and effective compound, you should be monitoring and assessing your personal response to different CBD oil strengths. It’s also important to remind ourselves again that CBD Oil Concentration is slightly easier to assess when you convert those mgs into a CBD oil percentage. With so many brands available you might be asking yourself what CBD is right for me? Whatever product or CBD concentration you choose, remember to look for fully certified, third-party tested hemp and CBD products.

Also Read:  Does CBD Oil have THC?

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