
CBD Oil for erectile dysfunction: Can you take CBD oil with Viagra?

As CBD oil expands into many markets around the globe, it seems it may also be emerging as a male sexual health treatment. For erectile dysfunction (ED) to be specific. Let us find answers to your questions like How to use cbd oil for erectile dysfunction? Can I take CBD oil with Viagra?

About 4.3 million men in the UK are affected by ED. However, 44% of men do not seek any medical help. In the interests of being discreet, they sometimes purchase fake products. Their need for privacy often ends up increasing anxiety and exacerbating their performance in the bedroom.

CBD oil and erectile dysfunction may seem unlikely allies on paper. However, there is some evidence to suggest CBD can help alleviate symptoms of ED.

Although, compared with the effects of viagra, it may seem less potent. However, we have reasons to believe it may be a healthier option.

CBD oil and Viagra – Which is better for erectile dysfunction?

CBD oil still isn’t yet widely considered strong competition to Viagra for treating erectile dysfunction. Most people are unaware of CBD's potential to enhance their sex life.

Viagra is still the most popular medication for ED. It also helps in having a satisfactory sexual experience. The benefits of CBD in treating erectile dysfunction are not as widely acknowledged as Viagra. There is also little research to support the latter as well.

However, Viagra can cause significant side effects. Its use is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases. This makes the medicine unviable for long-term use. Particularly, in older men who tend to be the cohort that seeks it the most.

Dr Perry Solomon, Chief Medical Officer at HelloMD, suggested in 2016, “The way I see it, why not try cannabis? There are side effects to Viagra and zero side effects to cannabis when dosed properly. Maybe it’s just making them feel better and relaxed, and that’s making it easier for them to enjoy sex, but it’s still working.”

Research is still underway to study the effect of CBD on men's libido. Researchers have acknowledged the presence of an endocannabinoid system and the effect CBD has on it.

CBD's effect on anxiety and its relaxation benefits are widely acknowledged. A survey taken by 1,000 people, revealed that 68% of the people had an improved sexual experience. Others said that it helped them relax and improved their mood.

Whether CBD can directly cure ED has to be put to scientific inquiry. But there is enough research to suggest that it can improve several symptoms that lead to ED.

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What does the research say about CBD oil and Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is commonly associated with old age. However, this is a myth. It can manifest as reduced libido or inability to have an erection at any age.

ED has also been associated with:

  • Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Obesity
  • Work stress
  • Addiction to porn etc.

As it turns out, research is being conducted that strives to prove that CBD can relieve these potential factors that contribute to ED.

CBD for anxiety-related ED

There is ample evidence to suggest that ED can be caused by anxiety. ED sufferers reveal bouts of increased stress, deadlines, relationship issues impacting their lack of interest in sex contributing to reduced libido. Moreover, depressed men are often reported to experience erectile dysfunction.

For ages, CBD has been touted as an effective medicine to counter anxiety.

Its effect on the endocannabinoid system – and the entourage effect -is widely recognised by researchers. Owing to this, CBD products are used to relieve anxiety and stress and induce sleep.

From the perspective of treating ED-related anxiety, CBD can be quite useful to fight anxiety levels that can impact your libido. This is further accentuated by sex educator, Diana Urman:

 “Many people say they feel more spontaneous and adventurous [after using CBD]…There is also sometimes an increased sensitivity to touch and increased willingness to be more engaged and sensual which, in turn, enhances sexual pleasure and deepens orgasmic abilities.”

cbd for erectile dysfunction

CBD for better cardiovascular health

CBD can also alleviate erectile dysfunction by contributing to a healthier heart. This is its greatest value proposition to take on the likes of Viagra. With the latter raising the risks of acquiring cardiovascular diseases, CBD is seen as its effective alternative.

One of the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases is erectile dysfunction. Although mental health may be a factor for younger men, older men can suffer from ED due to a weak cardiovascular system. A poor heart means poor blood flow into the penis, which in turn causes erectile dysfunction.

There is significant research on CBD and its impact on the entire cardiovascular system and CBD and vasodilation. Both streams suggest that CBD helps in widening arteries and veins which leads to better flow of blood.

For sufferers of erectile dysfunction, CBD oil can offer relief by strengthening their circulatory system. This leads to an increased flow of blood throughout the body helping your erections as well.

CBD and obesity-related ED

1 in 4 people in the UK suffers from obesity.

Along with heart diseases, obesity can also play a role in erectile dysfunction. This happens when fat tissues in the body overcharge CB receptors which contribute to obesity and metabolic risks. Moreover, obesity can also affect testosterone levels making it difficult to have erections.

Here is how CBD proves to be useful.

Research surrounding CBD and its effect on various obesity factors does exist. Although the scientific community is still out on this, studies on animal test subjects (rats) showed that CBD reduced cholesterol by 25%. The therapeutic compound blocks off CB1 receptors and stimulates CB2 receptors, in effect, reducing the risk of obesity.

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Moreover, a study in 2016 backed up a claim that CBD can turn “bad fat into good fat”. Proponents claim that using CBD, white, or “bad,” fat can be turned into brown fat, which may help the body burn calories. The study also pointed out that CBD helps in breaking down fats more efficiently.

In this way, CBD can combat obesity-related erectile dysfunction.

How to use CBD oil for Erectile Dysfunction?

Now that you know how CBD can help with ED, you might be curious to know how to use it to strengthen your love life. It is important to note that every person is different and that you might have to experiment with a couple of different products and variations to find the one that works best for you.

With a myriad of ways to consume CBD, we have filtered the list down to the two most practised and effective ways to take CBD for ED.

1. CBD tinctures and edibles

In general, this is the most popular way to consume CBD. With edibles, you can ingest your CBD in whatever way you like. You have CBD brownies, CBD gummy bears, CBD honey, CBD tea and CBD coffee. You can even prepare your own food with CBD oil.
Many people find edibles an excellent means to help manage their stress and anxiety levels. The reason for this is that edibles slowly release and allow you to experience the calming effects of CBD over a long period of time.

CBD edibles could indirectly help solve erectile dysfunction especially if it is caused by anxiety. Put simply, it may reduce the anxieties you hold towards the act of sex. Without these fears it can be easier to become erect.

However, there can be some issues. The issue with taking edibles is that they can take a while to come into effect. So, unfortunately, edibles are not the best option if sexual spontaneity is your game. Edibles are a better idea for romantic and sexual nights that you have prepared beforehand. This is so you can consume the edibles prior so that they have time to enter the bloodstream and help you get erect.

If you are looking for a faster acting edible, CBD tinctures could be for you. With CBD tinctures or oil you can add a few drops under your tongue and hold it there for 1 – 3 minutes. This allows the CBD to enter your bloodstream faster. The tincture directly enters your bloodstream from the capillaries under the tongue rather than taking the long way round through the digestive system.

2. CBD massage oil as a lubricant

Lubricant infused with can be a direct way to help with ED. CBD creams and oils are usually used to help relieve pain all over your body. With that in mind, these creams can be used on your genitals also.

People frequently use CBD as a massage oil for its relaxing properties. Also, many of us experiment with other massage oils to add an air of romance to our sex lives.

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So why not try CBD oils as a lubricant? It can be directly applied to the testicles and penis and can possibly help you with ED.

CBD lube also has other added benefits. CBD oil can help reduce friction during sexual intercourse. This obviously allows for more comfortable sex for both persons. However, in addition, it can allow men to last longer during sex. This is due to the lubricant reducing sensitivity.

Anecdotally, some claim that CBD lubricant can aid in bringing about a more intense sensation during orgasm.

Although, most suggest that CBD lubricants are helpful with ED. It is important to note that some claim that CBD reduces their sex drive. This issue seems more prevalent for women.

Trying for yourself

As we said before, each person is different and different methods of CBD work better for some than others. Our advice would be to experiment around. If you want to avoid using Viagra and want to try CBD may be a mixture of edibles and CBD lube works well for you.

However, we encourage you to use CBD responsibly and if you are new to taking CBD, you should start off slow. With edibles take a small dose and work your way up to a dose appropriate to your needs. With CBD lube, you should follow the instructions given with the product you buy.

Can I take CBD oil with Viagra?

In short, we recommend you not to use CBD and Viagra together.

Currently, there is little evidence to show how CBD and Viagra interact and it is best to avoid using the two simultaneously until more research is done on the topic.

One reason why we recommend not to use the two together is that Viagra is a PDE 5 inhibitor. PDE 5 inhibitors and CBD both can reduce blood pressure. And if you do not have high blood pressure two substances lowering your blood pressure should be avoided.

Secondly, although there is no evidence as of yet, CBD may react with Viagra. The reaction may then weaken or stop the effects of Viagra.

If you are still unsure whether you should take CBD and/or Viagra, ask your doctor. Your doctor can help you understand whether CBD could help you and whether it is a good idea to take CBD with Viagra. But ultimately, we recommend you should stay away from the combination unless a medical professional clears you to do so.

So what's the catch?

CBD, as an ingredient to use edibles and topical applications that boost your mood, is declared completely safe by the World Health Organisation. Many experts believe that CBD is safe to use as long as it is taken in appropriate dosages.

However, too much CBD can sometimes have counterintuitive effects. A few studies suggest that increased use of CBD may actually result in ED despite increasing sexual desire.


With its psychological advantages, CBD is seen as an effective alternative to Viagra. CBD can relieve anxiety and clear your mind to have a healthy sex life. However, its physiological impacts and benefits to treat erectile dysfunction still require more research.

With the expanding CBD market, we believe that the conclusion is just around the corner. Until then, remember to take CBD in moderation.

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