
Cannabis Lube: Can you use CBD oil as a lube?

CBD Lube infused with broad-spectrum CBD are more popular than ever and more importantly more effective than other lubes for stimulating your partner. Many businesses have decided to white label existing cannabis lube brands but this does not diminish the fact this works.

A story as old as recorded history is the pairing of cannabis and sexual activity. With roots which are believed to be linked to tantric sex acts in Hindu culture, extending through the ages to the Vikings and their ‘love god’ Freya to being a ritualistic part of Eastern European wedding ceremonies.

Cannabis has been linked with an increase in sexual pleasure for millennia and we are even seeing clinical studies which are backing this link in modern-day science. For example, it has been shown in a recent study that CBD can increase sexual satisfaction. But what is it in cannabis that can help increase sexual satisfaction? What products can you legally purchase? We will take a look at using CBD oil as lube and benefits of cbd as lube.

It currently feels that if you can think of a CBD product, there’s a strong chance it already exists. We will give a full overview of the benefits of CBD lube using any scientific study where applicable whilst also providing you with a full in-depth overview of any products available.

What is CBD lube?

CBD lube is simply a lubricant used to accompany the act of copulation that has a cannabis extract called cannabidiol (CBD) in it. The ever increasing reviews surrounding CBD lubes state that the benefits are astounding, in particular for women, but also for men.

The human body contains a system of chemical messengers and receptors called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The chemical messengers (endocannabinoids) are dispersed through a variety of tissues throughout the human body from the brain and central nervous system to the genital areas of both men and women, including the testicles and the inner walls of the vagina.

Topical CBD is CBD designed to be rubbed into the skin, where the cannabidiol can be absorbed and then interact with the receptors of the ECS, causing its effects. These include an increase in blood flow and muscle relaxation amongst others.

Why use lubricants for sexual activity?

Why do people use lubricants for sexual activity at all? Forgetting CBD oil lube for a moment and focusing on lubricants in general, they are used for a variety of reasons for sexual activity for purposes that can be considered quite intimate and personal.

Lubricants are designed to reduce friction between two moving objects that may rub/chafe and therefore cause pain or discomfort. Our bodies produce our own natural lubricants, but sometimes these aren’t produced fast enough or in enough quantity and therefore the requirement for an external lubricant is needed. The reduction in friction also results in the average amount of time of sexual activity to be increased, particularly for men because the increased lubrication can reduce sensitivity.

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Lubricants can either be water-based, silicone-based or oil-based, with each having different benefits and drawbacks depending upon the type and length of sexual activity being engaged in. Consequently, it is good to read up upon the benefits and drawbacks of these different types of lubricants, but unfortunately, they fall out of the scope of this article.

What does a CBD lubricant do?

Believe or not CBD Lubes can be great for the start, middle and end of your bedroom workout. While CBD lubes are great for making things a little smoother at the start they can also be used before you get started. You can use it as a massage oil. This might just be a great way to get the heart pumping and juices flowing before the main event.

cannabis lube uk

CBD lubricants give you heat and excitement, but they also create a sense of ease and calm. This serenity helps to keep you cooler longer, resulting in a slightly longer session and a more intense climax.

There’s a reason that sexual arousal is akin to getting the blood flowing; that’s literally what it means. This is another area of sexual wellness where hemp shines. Cannabis (and of course, hemp) is a “vasodilator,” meaning it expands the blood vessels and increases circulation and blood flow. This blood flow, as a result, boosts sensations and intensifies orgasms.

CBD lube benefits

The benefits of lubricants, in general, are to reduce friction, increase sexual pleasure and increase the length of time of sexual activity. But what are the benefits of adding CBD to lube? Some of the benefits of CBD lube and CBD for sex are:

  • An increase in sensitivity
  • An increased feeling of relaxation
  • A heightened and stronger sensation during orgasms
  • A decrease in pain that can accompany penetrative sex

Increase in sensitivity

The CBD in CBD lube can be absorbed into the endocannabinoid receptors in the genital areas of both men and women. Here they reduce inflammation which increases blood flow to the area applied. An increase in blood flow is associated with an increase in sensation and therefore an increase in sensitivity, making sex more pleasurable.

An increased feeling of relaxation

CBD oil that has been made to be ingested into the body, is known to cause a feeling of relaxation and a reduction in anxiety. This may create a willingness to engage in a desired activity that has previously been a cause for shyness and embarrassment.

A heightened and stronger orgasm

A combination of an increase in sensitivity to touch as well as a more relaxed approach to engaging in sexual activity may ultimately result in much stronger and better orgasms for both men and women.

Decrease in pain

CBD is an anti-inflammatory proven to decrease aches and pains. So, when using CBD lube it can absorb into the skin and exert its anti-inflammatory effects on the endocannabinoid receptors in the genital region. Prolonged encounters in sexual activity can result in discomfort for both men and women, so a CBD lubricant can not only reduce the discomfort caused, but the pain experience post-coitus.

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Can you use CBD oil as lube?

Today we are going to answer your question “Can I use CBD oil as lube?”. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a cannabinoid found exclusively with the cannabis plant. It can either be consumed by smoking or vaping the buds from cannabis plants that are high in CBD (hemp), or it can be extracted and put into an array of products including CBD oil or CBD lube UK.

CBD oil UK

CBD is used for its array of medicinal benefits, from preventing seizures of MS patients to being used as an anti-inflammatory to reduce pain and swelling for athletes. However, CBD is mostly used as a health and wellness dietary supplement in the form of CBD or hemp oil which is placed under the tongue.

CBD has been declared completely safe for use by the World Health Organisation for use in both novel foods and topical products, with CBD lube falling into the latter. CBD oil lube is non-intoxicating, non-addictive and non-toxic to humans, and is therefore 100% safe.

Cannabis lube – What are the risks?

CBD as an ingredient in both food and for topical applications (like CBD lube) has been declared completely safe by the World Health Organization. Small-scale studies have shown that people tolerate CBD really well with no major side-effects have been observed at all. Some individuals may experience mild side effects through ingesting CBD, such as changes in appetite, fatigue and diarrhea.

However, no side effects have been observed with topical CBD products, such as CBD lube.

The only potential issue you may have with CBD lube products may be caused through the current lack of regulation within the CBD industry. To combat this, it’s important to only purchase CBD oil from companies that you have thoroughly researched and that are completely transparent about the products they sell.

It is also worth noting that CBD lubes are predominately oil-based, and oil-based lubricants should not be used with latex condoms because the oil can cause the latex to break down and tear.

What to look for in the best CBD lubricant

No one knows you better than yourself, not even your partner. When you engage in sexual activity with someone else you are ultimately looking for pleasure.

For some people, this can be a nerve-wracking activity instead of a fun and exciting activity. So if you read that and found some similarities then a Lube with a very high CBD content would be for you. Lubes with a high CBD concentration can help to relax you while also promoting arousal through increased blood flow.

Most CBD lubricants will do a similar job but if you are looking for an all-round pleasurable experience then you can look to lower the CBD concentration in return for a nice aroma from the lubricant.

The CBD content isn't the only thing you should look out for. You should consider how you are going to engage in sex.

Will you be using a condom?

This is a big question to consider when buying CBD lube. Some Lubricants are water-based which is completely safe to use with condoms however some oil-based lubes can cause condoms to break down.

Are there types to avoid?

While it's not in all lubricants women should still look out for an ingredient called glycerin. This can affect the natural pH levels in the vagina and lead to a yeast infection.

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There are only a few small things to look out for but after them, CBD lubricants should be fully embraced into your sex life.

The Top 5 Best CBD Lubes in UK

CBD lubricants have been available in the U.S.A for a long period of time now and the variety of products available is astounding. It seems it has taken the UK a while to catch up but now there are some CBD lube products worth talking about:

1. 1Foria Awaken CBD Lube (oil-based)

From the Foria Wellness lab comes Foria Awaken, a THC-free wholesale broad-spectrum CBD lubricant which is made from all-natural ingredients. With a menthol/mint aroma, this lube is completely edible and suitable for vegans. Available in 30 ml and 60 ml bottles, it is lab-tested for purity and includes 9 other plant-based aphrodisiacs.

2. Canniant Pleasure – CBD Intimate Lubricant (oil-based)

Containing 330 mg of CBD per 15 ml spray bottle, this coconut-scented lubricant is completely free of THC but packed with a range of other phytocannabinoids and terpenes. Using 100% USA grown hemp, Canniant Pleasures CBD lube is also edible and has a wonderful non-sticky texture.

3. Bella Olio D’Amore CBD-infused Silicone-based Lubricant

This silicone-based lubricant from Bella Olio D’amore is made from premium CBD and is available in 40 mg and 100 mg bottles. It offers a welcome break for CBD lubricant UK users looking for a non-oil-based lube, which leads us on to our next product…

4. Bella Olio D’Amore CBD-infused Water-based Lubricant

There aren’t many CBD-infused water-based lubricants on the market at all, and the only one worth mentioning is this product from Bella. It contains 100 mg of CBD per 170 ml bottle and is unscented and has a natural feel.

5. Infinite Big Bang CBD Personal Lubricant (oil-based)

Used as either a lubricant or as a massage oil, this USA grown hemp contains 150 mg of CBD in a 170 ml bottle and is made using all-natural ingredients. Has an amazing natural vanilla scent and feels silky and smooth.

Are CBD lubes just for women?

Many lubricant products on the market seemed to be aimed towards a feminine market, but this doesn’t make them exclusive to women or for just heterosexual relationships. The fact is that anybody who engages in sexual activity can benefit from using CBD lube, regardless of gender.

Is CBD lube legal in the UK?

CBD products are perfectly legal for production, use and sale in the UK as long as they are free from the main intoxicating and psychoactive constituent of cannabis called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Most companies are aware of this and therefore most products available on sale in the UK won’t contain THC, however, it is still good to be vigilant if you want to remain on the right side of the law.

Can I make my own CBD lube at home?

Of course, you can. Making your own CBD lube at home is easy, but you must be aware of a bit of chemistry first. Cannabidiol is a compound that will dissolve in oil, but not in water or silicone without any further chemical steps.

Therefore, in order to make CBD lube at home, you can mix pure CBD isolate or CBD oil with coconut oil or any oil-based lubricant in whatever quantity you desire.


The world of cannabis-based products is ever-growing and sometimes a little bit confusing. However, when you look at the history of cannabis in the ‘bedroom’ and research studies into the use of cannabis for intimate purposes, it makes sense that in the 21st century, cannabis-based sex products will be on the market.

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Michael Quinn

Michael is a 27-year-old Chemistry graduate from Stoke-on-Trent, England. When he’s not writing he’s travelling to music venues across the country with his sound-system

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One Comment

  1. I am about to be prescribed medical grade cannabis oil for severe arthritis pain. After reading about CBD lube I am interested in making some using my oil…but I can’t find the quantity to add to the coconut oil base anywhere. It’s very expensive here where I live so I don’t want to add too much if it’s not required..I also dont want to make something thats too weak and doesn’t have an effect. So please can you advise me how many drops or how many mls I need to add to say an 8oz cup of coconut oil?
    I would be very grateful for any assistance, thankyou

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